Under the direction of
the now Grandmaster Carozzi, Sensei Kevin trained for many years and donated thousands of hours
teaching as he learned the Honorable Art of Shaolin Ch'uan Fa, (Kempo) and soon became one of the top Instructor
at his Master’s Dojo in Peabody MA..
Sensei Kevin earned the
rank of third degree Black Belt in May of 1999 in the art of San Chai Na Kempo & a Certified Instructor level Three certificate
through S.C.N.K. Federation 1/1/00.
Sensei Pence Opened (took over) his 1st dojo (est.1971) United Shaolin Kempo of Burlington in May 2000.
Mr. Pence's dojo was inducted
into the World Martial Arts Federation 2001. as a member school. Sensei was certified by the W.M.A.F.
as a member of their elite cheif center judges team to oversea the judging at all the W.M.A.F. Tournaments.
In 2003
Sensei passed the test to become a 4th degree Black Belt (Yondan) in Kempo Karate,
(tested by the World Martial Arts Federation Testing Board.)( Shihan Alty and Shihan Rebelo); after over Nine Thousand hours of teaching and training ( from 3rd to 4th deg.Black Belt ) .
Mr. Pence was also inducted into the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society of Great Grandmaster Victor Sonny Gascon as a member of the board of in Ma.
He is also recognized Internationally
by the W.M.A.F. and M.A.R.I. as a 4th Dan in Kempo Karate as well
as being recognized by the Depasquale Jiu Jitsu Association as well as the Superfoot Systems as a fellow respected martial artist.
He has taught Many clinics which included Shaolin Five
Animal fighting techniques, Kubaton classes and various specialized Kempo self-defense classes. Sensei has taught Free
clinics to the children in the Metro-Boston area schools, as well as teaching handicapped adults & children in a weekly
class put on by the Burlington Rec. Dept.
Sensei has been inducted into
the Universal, World, and U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame as the Instructor, Male Martial Artist, and Man of the year in
Kempo Karate .
In 2005 he was honored by the Martial Arts University
with the Bushido Award, inducting him into the IFOJJ (International Federation of Ju Jitsuans ) Legion of honor. Sensei was
also honored by Action Martial Arts Magazine this same year with the Spirit of the Arts Award.
Currently studying with Guro Michael Williams South East Asian Arts (Dekiti-Tirsia-Siradas (Kali) and Silat at M.A.R.I. in Salem MA.

3rd Depasquale Gathering 2004 |
Time Line
1996 Mr. Pence
was awarded the title of Sensei from Master Carozzi .
1997 This
year Sensei Kevin began to teach seminars as a guest Sensei at other Boston area dojo's.
1998 After 3 years of
private and group study Mrs. Pieroni was promoted to Shodan. This was Sensei Kevin's frist Student to go from White Belt to
Black Belt.
1999 Sensei eraned
the rank of third degree Black Belt (5/15/99) in the art of San Chai Na Kempo (Shaolin Chu'an Fa).
2000 Sensei Pence earns
Instructor level three certificate through San Chai Na Kempo Federation 1/1/00. Sensei Opened / takes over his frist
dojo United Shaolin Kempo of Burlington in May 2000.
He also forms San Chai Na incorp. to protect
the name of his mother Art as well as the business of he's dojo. Sensei is the President / C.E.O.
of San Chai Na Incorp. This same year Sensei Kevin began to host major names in the martial arts world. Bill "Superfoot"
Wallace was the frist in Oct. 2000 he would later come back in 2001

Sensei Judges at W.M.A.F. tourny |
2001 Sensei
is reconized Internationally by the World Martial Arts Federation as a 3rd Dan Kempo Karate. On April 30th Sensei Pence
would host a Michael DePasquale Jr. seminar. Soke Ni Dai DePasquale would also pay the dojo more visits in the futrue
in 2002 and 2004. Sensei is also aceptted by Shihan Alty as a Student of Kempo / Kenpo and Ju Jitsu.
2002 Due to irreconcilable
philosophical business differences with the Board of Master Carozzi's Federation, Sensei Kevin left the Board of
the Carozzi Organization. He then established The Pence Self-Defense System, a.k.a. (P.D.K.) Pence Defense Kempo. Sensei is also aceptted by
Shihan Nesta as a Student of Kobudo.(Japanese Weapons)
2003 On Sep. 13th of 2003 Sensei
Pence took and passed the test to become a 4th degree black belt (Yodan) Kempo Karate. After over Nine Thousand hours of teaching
and training (from 3rd to 4th deg.)
Sensei Kevin becomes a Board Member of the World Martial Arts Federation. He was also inducted into the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame as the Instructor of the year in Shaolin Kempo 2003, as well as
being inducted into the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society of Grandmaster Victor
Sonny Gasscon this same year.
2004 Mr.
Pence is accepted as a Student Instructor under Guro Michael Williams, in the art of Kali.
Great Grand Master Gascon grants Sensei
Kevin the honor of sitting on his Executive Board (Mass) for the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society.
This is the same year Sensei was Inducted in
to the U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame as the man of the year in Kempo and the W.M.A.F. Hall of Fame as Male Martial
Artist of the year.

Soke Dai Michael DePasquale Jr. |

2005 Kevin Sensei was
inducted into the Action Martial Arts Hall of fame for his teaching in Atlantic City with over fourteen hundred people in atendence at the awards
Inductee 1st annual International Federation of
Ju Jitsuans (I.F.O.J.J.) Legion of Honor with the Bushido Award . This all
took place in West Point NewYork .
In Oct. of 2005 Sensei Pence travels to
South East Asia 14 days of training with Guru Drs. Edward Lebe in the art of Baringin Sakti , The art of Oido De
Caburate Arnis with Grandmaster Abraham Gubaton and Dekiti Tirsai Siradas Kali with GrandTuhon "Jerson Nene" Tortal.
All of this was done with Thanks to Mike & May Williams and the group of Artist know as the Martial Arts Research
Institute Delagates.
2006 - Recived pemision from the Martial
Arts Reseach Insittute to teach Filipino martial arts ( Kali ) as a Tribal Leader, as well as the blessings of Grand Tuhon "Nene" Tortal President of the Philippine
Arnis Kali Escrima Federation International Inc. .
2007 On March 10th received the rank of Instructor from Guro Mike and May Williams
of The Martial Arts Research Institute in the Combined Cultural Arts of Southeast Asia, Philippines-Indonesia-China, (Kali,
Silat, Kung-Fu).
May 18th Soke Michael DePasquale Jr. promoted
me to the rank of 5th Dan. The test took place at the Pence Self-Defense Academy in Burlington, MA. Some of the areas Top
Masters were in attendance. Dec. 12th 2007 received Shodan in Combat Yoshitsune
Ju Jitsu along with two of my own Black Belts from Burlington. Several Masters flew in from up and down the east coast to
witness this event. My thanks goes to all of them as well as my Ukes and my Family for all of the support I've been give
over the years.
2008 - Became a Field Agent for the Kid-Safe Network. After hundreds of hours of compiling and editing, publishes the first Ping Shen Tao manual. As time passes, I’m
sure I will have grown more and reserve the right to change my mind as we all should as true martial scientists, hence the
name of this book “First Thoughts”. Certainly there will be more to come. 2009 On Feb. 7th received the rank of Instructor 2nd level from Guro Mike and May Williams
of The Martial Arts Research Institute in the Combined Cultural Arts of Southeast Asia (Kali, Silat, Kung-Fu). Taught
two siminars at the Martial Arts University 2009 for the International Federation Of Ju-Jutsuans in Suffern, NY.
2010 Become a Representative for Boston IFOJJ & Combat Yoshitsune
JuJitsu Cert. Reps. for Boston. On March 6th taught Yoshitsune Ju jitsu at MK Boxing Woburn MA Taught at the World Martial Art Hall of Fame week-end in Danvers MA.
I still
go to classes weekly for my own studies to explore the broad spectrum the martial arts has to offer.

Peaceful Spirit Way! |
What is the Pence Self-Defense System?
Let me start by saying, I have put a name
to my system of teaching many different arts as one...that is all. I don't have my students call me by any
fancy title, nor would I ever think of myself in that way.
I had, in the past been of the mind
set "That if it works, no matter what art it comes from that it was Kempo". As I have grown older, I now
think that at times, I may have misrepresented some of the art that I try to pass on, in that, they did not get
the credit that the art desereved by me saying , If it works it's Kempo."
"Ping Shen Tao" defines the mass of education
that I have put to Method. It's the total sum of Martial Arts taught at the Pence Self-Defense Institute, founded
in Burlington, Massachusetts U.S.A. . "To set the record straight, I have Not
invented a new style. On the contruery I hope to free our students from the mold and let them see the best of each of the
arts I have had the chance to study. I expect the art of Ping Shen Tao will keep growing as long as my
students and I do.
From Sensei's very good friend, and mentor
Guro Mike Williams, the arts of Kali as well as other South East Asian Arts. Mr. Pence has found them to be
highly efecttive with and agianst impact and bladed weapons.
The main purpose of this organization is
to provide a core curriculum and testing standards for it's members. In this curriculum Mr. Pence has brought back some
of the original Okinawain Kobudo sets including Tonfa, Sai, Kama, Bo, Jo, and Katana to name a few... thanks to the generosity
of Shihan Joe Nesta.
Mr. Pence has also added a set of techniques to
the Kempo material thru his studies with Shihan Jim Alty. The new sets of self-defense drills designed to give the student
the ability to go from just doing techniques to applying concepts to whatever may come at the student.
Last but not least, from Master Carozzi
the art of San Chai Na... still the root to all of what I teach.

My Voe
I Kevin Pence Sr. vow to unselfishly share all of the knowledge that I possess in the Arts. I will dedicated
myself to bringing the Martial Arts community together to share and learn from each other, so we may all better ourselves
and our Families.

Sensei Kevin Pence with G.GM. Sonny Gascon |
Sensei Kevin Pence Sr. was inducted into the
Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society 6-20-2003 and is very honored to have been thought so highly of, for the board to
have accepted him into this group of elite martial artist.
The following is part of an e-mail that was received....
Aloha Sensei Pence, Your credentials are in order and we accept
you with great honor into the Society. As you may know schools wishing to use our banner logo and patches are charged nothing
to do so. We offer this to folks out there that want to fly colors of respect, and that are accepted by every living Grandmaster
of Kempo living today. You to are more than welcome to use whatever you think will help you grow. Anything we can do we will
do our best.Continued success. Keep in touch.We look forward to many years of friendship. Professor Michael S. Rash 8th Dan KGS BBS Membership Director

I have always believed that "There is more
than one way to get it done", so I began to expand my studies by hosting and going to many seminars
with many of the top notch masters of today. All of this, to help my understanding of many different matrial
arts as well, as my own.

Seminars Attended
GM Gary Alexander
Shihan Jim Alty
Master Jesus Bonilla
Cane Master Wayne Carmen
Grand Master Carozzi Sr.
Master Bill Chun, Jr.
Ni-Dai Soke Michael Depasquale Jr.
Guru Willem "Uncle Bill" de Thouars
Shihan Fumio Demura
Master Joe Diaco
Professor George Dillman
GM Joseph Hess
Master Jorge Espinoza
Professor Kimo Ferreira
Master Rick Fike
Master David James
Soke Di Leon Jay
Grand Master Bruce Juchnik
Master Jeff Jones
Soke Di Ed Mc Laughlin
Sifu Alix Lavaud
Guru Drs. Edward Lebe
Grandmaster Joe Lewis
Master Walt Lysak Jr.
Soke Joe Miller
GM. Thomas Barro Mitose
Shihan Joe Nesta
Master Evan Pantazi
Master Ed Parker Jr.
Grand Master George Pesare
Professor Remy Presas
Hanshi Craig Seavey
Master Frank Shamrock
Guro Tom Sotis
Shihan Don Spink
Master Joey Riccobono II
Master Joe Rebelo
Master Roger Roy
Master Richard Ryan
Grand Tuhon Jerson "Nene" Tortal
Bill "Super Foot" Wallace
Guro Michael Williams
Paul Yamaguchi Sensei
Hanshi Tadashi Yamashita

The rest of the page which lies before you is a
photograph depiction of many of the individuals who helped influence the way I came to understand and teach the arts
that I now pass on in my own Dojo.
In spite of angering a few narrow-minded people
who say; "You should train with only one Master. These photos clearly illustrate the diverse trianing I have enjoyed
over the years. Much of what I teach today has been influenced in one way or another by these wonderful individuals.
I continue a lifelong study of the arts by
attending seminars at other schools as "just a student" as I've always recognized that I don't possess a complete knowledge
of the Arts.
I'm grateful to every instructor who has ever
provided me with training, knowledge, and friendship.
I Thank them all from the bottom of my heart!

My Brother
Sensei Bryon Pence. Whlie we did grow up together we grew togehter in the arts to be brothers in more than just the name Pence !
He is now a 4th dan (2003) in Shaolin Cha'un Fa.
Bryon also has a background in Wah Lam Kung fu and Tae Kwon Do as well as one of the best and
most loyal teachers in the U.S. . My brother Bryon teaches on the North shore of Boston in Essex, MA. and is
always willing to train new students.
The Red Fist Society is comprised
of numerous Martial Artist from diffrent diciplines and schools. We pride ourselves in not judging other Arts, and are there
to support each other so we may keep the ancient traditions of the arts alive. Every member of the Red Fist Society brings
their own level of excellence to this organization and is a devoted student of the Martial Arts.

Grandmaster Tortal and Sensei Kevin |
Great Students Make Great Masters.... Great Masters, Make Great
Mike and May Williams have always been
very kind to myself and my family and it was my honor to have had spent time with May's Uncle, Grand Tuhan "Nene". He
is truly a Masters Master. I have crossed paths with Mr. Tortal both here in the U.S.A. and in the Phillipines, and
hope to spend much more time with him in the future.
DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS The combat system of DEKITI-TIRSIA, close quarter in fighting method is a combination of
higher techniques of Kali. Dekiti-Tirsia-Siradas System puts a tremendous emphasis on the importance of foot work, the theories
of strategic defense, offense and counter offense have been tested and proven effective and accurate combat situations, the
system is complete in every detail, techniques from empty hands, foot fighting, body mechanics, and weaponry as well.

Guro Michael Williams
Michael comes from a family that has a long history of Martial and Healing Arts, dating back three generations. He has done a lot of traveling and training in
the Philippines and Indonesia. He has also traveled to Hong Kong and Thailand.
In 1998 he was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Michael is a Tui Na
and Chi Gong Therapist ,under Master Tom Tam. And has also studied Tai Chi (Yang Style) with Master Tom Tam.
Michael is a former self-defense instructor for the Guardian Angels (Boston and
Lowell Chapters).
Michael holds rank in the following: Mataas Na Guru ( 5th Degree Black Belt)
Amok Tribal Art of The Blade By Pros. Tom Sotis,
Guru Dekiti Tirsia Siradas by Grand Tuhon Jerson Nene Tortal,
Lakan Isa (Black Belt) International Modern Arnis Ju Jitsu Karate Federation By
Late Grandmaster Remy Peres and Signed by Grand Master Wally Jay and Master George Dillman.
Michael has over 10 years of Wing
Chun training under Sifu Alix Lauad
He is also a student of Bapak Willem De Thouars.
Michael has trained in Kenpo, Jeet Kune Do,Ju Jitsu and Kickboxing.
South East Asian Arts Master of The Year 2004 W.M.A.F.
Guro May Williams

Guru Edward
Lebe BARINGIN SAKTI "HARIMAU" PENCAK SILAT Here on a tour of the U.S. Guru from West Java, Indonesia taveled from the other side of the world
to give us a very rare treat, he shared his 45 + years of martial arts training with a group of about 30 willing Students,
( not all from the school of "Silat" But all from of the school of learning). We covered and un-covered much from
the way of "HARIMAU" .
To see Guru Lebe's skills up
close its hard to belive he's in his mid 60s, by his movement one might think he was in his young 20s! We are all looking forward to get back to I.P.S.I. even
more, now that we got a fresh dose of Baringin Sakti !

Mr. Tom Sotis is not only one of the most skilled persons I have ever seen with a blade but, also a highly energzied teacher.
In the short time I have spent with him he got his point across in many different areas of the blade but, then sewed
it all up so that when you leave a class taught by him... "You take it with you "! l ooking forward to more AMOK!
The following is taken
from Mr. Sotis's website
At its early inception, AMOK! was deeply rooted in the Malay/Filipino martial arts. And
although Malay/Filipino mentality and principles continue to infuse it, AMOK! has transformed its practices so radically that
it no longer resembles the martial art that it once was, or any of the arts that influenced its earlier composition. Pursuing
its own course, AMOK! has evolved into an ultra-functional methodology based on the strict parameters demanded of military
Forged in the crucible
of conflict, today AMOK! continues to validate its reputation in some of the world's most dangerous places and war zones.
In South Africa , the stabbing and murder capitol of the world for instance, AMOK! is the choice of combatives for professionals
in harm's way. This is no accident or coincidence - it is a result of design.

Shihan Fumio Demura, has over 50 years
of experience and has trained with such legends as Master Ryusho Sakagami. Shihan was one of the frist in the USA to teach
the Kobudo weapons. Mr. Demura gave to us the form, Ki Shu Kata Bo form, as well as many trianing tips for keep it real !

Michael DePasquale Jr. has held three seminars for us at this Dojo. A 9th Dan
Yoshitsune Jujutsu Ni Dai Shihan; Black Belt Hakko Ryu Jujitsu , Publisher/Editor "Karate International Magazine." inducted
into over 15 Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Shihan DePasquale has published 10 books,20 videos, Action Films, King of the
Kickboxers, American Shaolin, Blood Brothers, and The Power Within just to name a few. He has also taught the 1st Division
of The Army Special Forces, F.B.I., U.S. Marshals, Postal Police, the New York City Police Academy and many other law enforcement
personnel .

Sensei Kevin trained ( Dec. 2002 - 2006) Kobudo and Kenpo with Shihan Joe Nesta,9th Degree Black Belt , Shihan Nesta was always very open and giving with me and the time we have
spent together will always be looked upon as a great honnor. shihan nesta is the most skilled master of kobudo weapons i have
ever worked with "To see.... is to belive".
7th Degree Black Belt,Cerio's Kenpo {under
Prof. Nick Cerio}( Prof. Cerio’s highest rank in the U.S.A. in "Cerio Kenpo" - 7th
dan ) World Martial Arts
Hall of Fame, 2002 Master Instructor
of the Year
Shihan Alty, Sensei Kevin, Shihan Rebello |

After Sensei's 4th deg. test |

Loyalty plack from Master Carozzi After Sensei promoted his 1st Student to Black Belt Mrs. Peroni |
Master Carozzi's U.S.K.K. Peabody Dojo |

Brothers in their Rank (ceira1996) |
Master Cal Carozzi In 1965 at 14 years old, started in one of the few karate schools
that were in Massachusetts. The art of Shodokan Karate. After attaining a rank of Brown Belt, he moved on, and met a man from
Central Europe and became friends. This 150-pound Albanian held a fifth-degree Master level in Aikido. Practicing on his own,
he then began to study Kempo with Fred Villari. After attaining the rank of senior Master level (7th dan), Master
Carozzi has now aligned himself with another one of his instructors, Prof. Charles Mattera as a Grand Master 10th dan.
Master Bill Buresh of Shaolin Kempo & Jiu-Jitsu has also lent a great deal of his
insight to our education in ground fighting and street concepts.

22nd Great Grandmaster of Kosho - Ryu Thomas
B. Mitose
1940 Honolulu, Hawaii James
M. Mitose has a son. His first, and this child would grow up to be the next Grandmaster of Kosho Ryu Kempo.
Once his father the 21st Great Grandmaster James M. Mitose
of Kosho Ryu, had passed away. His son Thomas B. Mitose became the 22nd Great Grandmaster of Kosho Ryu, following the bloodline
of the family. Grandmaster Thomas Mitose was then charged with ensuring that the beliefs, philosophies, and traditions would
continue as they had in the past.
Paul Yamaguchi Sensei of ( KOSHO SHOREI RYU KEMPO ). He was one of only SIX ever to earn a black
belt under GREAT GRAND MASTER JAMES MITOSE and one of only two still alive.
Mr. Junhnik founded the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai International
(S.K.S.K.I.). The Kai was developed to carry on and preserve the teachings of James Masayoshi Mitose. He worked
with Mitose’s first Black Belt, Professor Thomas S.H. Young from 1982 until the death of Professor Young in 1995 in
order to better connect James Mitose’s early teachings from Hawaii in the 1940s with the new teachings transmitted to
Mr. Junhnik in the 1970s and 1980s. Thomas Young was an active participating member in Mr. Junhnik organization, the Sei Kosho
Shorei Kai International (S.K.S.K.I) , until Professor Young’s death.

Currently, Dillman travels the world teaching seminars on pressure
points and tuite (grappling) hidden within the traditional movements of the old martial arts forms. It is his research and
scientific dissection of the old forms that is earning him his most notoriety. Never one to shy away from controversy, Dillman
has rediscovered a formerly secret level of meaning for kata movements, and has made that interpretation understandable to
all. He has produced a video tape instructional series on the pressure points, and has written six books with Chris Thomas.
Kyusho-Jitsu: The Dillman Method of Pressure Point Fighting; Advanced Pressure Point fighting of Ryukyu Kempo; Advanced Pressure
Point Grappling: Tuite; Pressure Point Karate Made Easy; Little Jay Learns Karate; and Humane Pressure Point Self-Defense.
The books have been said to be, "the definitive martial arts books of the century," and "unparalleled among current martial
arts literature."

At the age of 14, the Professor left home to enhance his studies in the martial arts. In 1949, on a trip to the island
of Cebu, he met a very powerful and aggressive arnis fighter named Rodolfo Moncal. Trained in a close-quarter arnis style
called Balintawak, he influenced the Professor's life greatly. He trained with Moncal for 2 years before returning to his
homeland in Negros Occidental. Testing his aquired skills on some of the more advanced arnisadors, the Professor found that
he could better control aggressive situations. Inspired to returnd to Cebu, he aquired a new Balintawak instructor and soon
after entered a full contact tournament held in Cebu City. They did not use padded sticks, and there was no protective gear

Sensei Leon Jay is the second son of Professor Wally
Jay and is one of the heirs to Small Circle Jujitsu . Leon studied most of his life with his father in Small Circle Jujitsu,
Kodenkan Jujitsu and Kodokan Judo. Leon also has been studying many years in the forms of pressure point fighting from Master
Dillman. Sensei Jay teaches in Surrey, England at his club called Komaru Ryu (Small Circle Style) and is the European representative
for S. C. Jujitsu. Leon has been active teaching seminars in the U. S. and Europe where he incorporates his unique blend of
Small Circle Jujitsu and pressure point techniques into a deadly system.

Sensei at Action mag h.o.f. 2005 w/ Bill Superfoot Wallace |
Mr. Bill "Superfoot" Wallace of the Superfoot system. Mr. Wallace has held an two exclusive
clinic at the Burlington Dojo . Mr. Wallace has always spoke his mind on what works and what does not ! and I'd like
to think, he's one of the people I get it from. "A little known fact" SUPERFOOT'S" wife, Kim owned the Burlington
dojo in the early 90's".
Capt. Gary Bain was one of the frist to
took me under his wing as a teenager to show me how to "walk the walk of a man" ! This man gave me the kick in the butt I
need to get my life off to the start it needed to get to where I am today. He was Mentor and a friend
when I need one the most. I owe to him Much Thanks!
Capt. Bain Flew over 200 combat missions for the United
States Marine Corps. in Vietnam piloting a F-4 Phantom. He was selected as one of the first ten pilots from the Marine
Corps to pilot "the Harrier" the vertical take-off and landing jet.
Was forced to eject three time in his time as a pilot, twice
in the Vietnam.
Master Walt Lysak Jr. has helped Sensei Kevin work on his ground
grappling skills to inculed leg locks and side-mount finish moves, as well as many realilty concepts and trianing
tools. 8th Degree Black Belt In Jiu Jitsu / 7th Degree In Pankration (Under
The International Federation Of Pankration Black Belt Council) Over Thirty Years
Experience In The Martial Arts, Founder Of The Sento Method Of Reality Martial Arts. National Coach Of Olympic
Pankration (Along with Ken Shamrock, Bart Vale, Keith Hackney, Sheldon Marr, Dan Severn, Maurice Smith and others ) Certified SOF Combatives Instructor To "A Company",
2nd Battalion, 19th Special Forces Group,
Master Ryan with Sensei Pence ....Just cutting up! |


Richard Ryan is one of the worlds' foremost
authorities and masters of reality-based martial arts, combative weaponry and self-defense. He is the founder of Dynamic Combat™, a highly scientific martial art system, regarded as one of the most realistic
and effective fighting arts in the world. A lifelong martial artist with over 35 years of experience and more than 25 years
as an teacher, Master Ryan is renowned for his knowledge and scientific understanding of reality fighting arts, and his exceptional
mastery of hand-to-hand and interpersonal weapons combat.

Professor David James
In his 27 years experience, Professor James has taught
a variety of law-enforcement and corrections professionals and has added to many other systems by welcoming their head instructors
for defensive skills enhancement.
Professor James, who in 1993
was voted "Instructor of the Year" and inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, believes that Vee Arnis Jitsu is one of
the few martial arts that does not live in the past. Professor James would like to change the general perception of martial
arts from a kid's fantasy to a practical form of self-protection for everyone.

Prof. Feliciano "Kimo" Ferriea |
Professor "Kimo" Ferreira : During his 35 years
in the martial arts, Professor Ferreira has studied many styles. Dedicating his time and efforts to spreading his own art
of Kempo Jutsu, Professor Ferreira has taught seminars in North America, Japan and Europe. His seminars are open. Ideas and
concepts are shared through the practical applications of Kempo Jutsu techniques. The history of Kempo is covered at seminars,
as well as weapons arts and how they apply to Kempo. In particular, Professor Ferrira emphasizes the use of the stick and

Frank Shamrock just before his seminar |
Sensei Pence has always been a
strong supporter of ALL Martial Arts and all the benefits it offers. He has been instrumental in the support of Regional,
National Sport Karate Tournaments. Sensei Kevin's expertise with children has been recognized throughout his community . He
devotes much of his time to help mentally and physically challenged children, as well as local charity events. Sensei still
goes to classes weekly for his own studies so that the art will keep on growing.

Sensei Cheryl Nadeau and Sensei Nathan Porter
Sensei Kevin has spent much time at siminars, and two
of the most seen faces around are Sensei Cheryl Nadeau and Sensei Nathan Porter. These two much like Sensei Kevin are looking
for what works as well as the history of our art, so it seemed only natural that they would form a tight friendship and training
relationship together.
They have both lent a great deal of there insight to
me from there "On Top Fighting" approach. From chokes, throws, pins, and submissions. Thier system really works even for over
sized attackers, it's quick and easy and to the point !
Sensei Cheryl Nadeau |

Sensei Nathan Porter |

Grandmaster S.
George Pesare:
A Student of Great - Grandmaster Victor ( Sonny)
Gascon, and Founder of Kempo Karate in New England, instructing students for 45 years. The root of Nick Cerio's Kenpo Karate
came from this man.
I wrote this just after a siminar in 2001
"If we close our minds to new ideas, we become stagnant"
It is commonly agreed that martial arts as we know it, took its roots
from the teachings Shaolin but how did the art of kempo that we study today get here to New England. Well this past week four
of my Asst. instructors and I went to meet the man himself Great Grand Master Pesare
G.M. shared many memories and we watched video and 8mm from Prof. Cerio
as a white belt (he even looked good then!). He spoke of the style of training as not for the "faint of heart" and that the
training was as hard for the women as it was for all 18 or 80. Sometimes they trained in their socks for lack of heat in the
dojo,they trained in white gi's because there were no black ones yet in the U.S. .
He spoke of the lack of dojos (other arts) in the New England area.
He also talked about the spinning back kick that he developed "people just had never seen it before". GM also told us about
the old rank system of white, green, purple, brown, black. His rent was $30 a mo. for the first dojo he opened in 1963. I
ask him to tell us all about how he found his master and about the teachings of his master Sonny Gascon. As luck would have
it he was working with a man named Alan Newton who was taking kempo at that time. He went with Alan one night to see what
it was all about. One of GM Gascon's first words to him was do you think you are you good enough! So it began!
One of the last black belts to be made by GM Emperado, was a young man
named Victor (Sonny) Gascon. In 1965 and moved to Pasadena, California where he renewed his friendship with Edmund Parker,
with who he had grew up in Hawaii. John Leoning, a black belt of Emperado, asked Sonny to teach at a school he would be opening
in Burbank, California. One night during a workout, three black belts from the Hawaii school visited with a message. They
informed Mr. Gascon that they did not have permission to use the KAJUKENBO name or patch because they were not paying the
required percentage to the dojo in Hawaii. Sonny asked the three black belts in for a workout but they declined
saying they were just passing along this message. This began Sonny's departure from KAJUKENBO and martial arts POLITICS. Sonny
soon replaced the old patch with the KARAZENPO-GO-SHINJUTSU logo patch
The type of training conducted was much like the old school in Hawaii
with some twists. Mr. Gascon would then have them sit and turn out the lights, kumite in the dark using
the senses available. Using bare fists they would spar till one of them went to the floor. every three months or so they would
gather at Griffith Park in Los Angeles at 5 am. They would start by performing their kata's in unison, practicing until all
moved as one. The school closed in 1963 and Sijo Gascon returned to Hawaii in 1969 this began Pesare's start on his own moving
back to RI. In 1963 he opened his own school in Olneyville, Rhode Island. From this school would come black belts that would
eventually open dojo's across the United States and World. Grand Master name for his style is Kaito Gakko (school of schools)
from this dojo came what we know as kempo today. It is important to know the history of our art. "If we forget where we came
from, how do we know where we are going."
"Keeping with the traditions of our lineage we pass on our history and
teach to keep our minds open, so that we can grow as kempo-ka and pass it on to the next masters to teach their students".
